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Insulation method of cryogenic storage tank

By Manager
Date: Jan 17, 2020
1. Insulation classification
The common insulation methods of cryogenic storage tank are as follows (listed from low to high): stacking insulation, high vacuum insulation, vacuum powder insulation, high vacuum multi-layer insulation, high vacuum multi screen insulation. At present, stacking insulation is widely used in the insulation system of LNG storage tank.

2. Insulation mode of LNG cryogenic storage tank
2.1 non vacuum insulation (stacking insulation)
Stacking insulation: select the thermal insulation material with small thermal conductivity to be filled on the part requiring thermal insulation, so as to achieve the purpose of thermal insulation of cryogenic storage tank. The types of thermal insulation materials are: (foam type and powder type are more commonly used).

1) foam type polyamine, polystyrene, rubber, glass brick, perlite, etc.

2) Powder - pearlite, etc;

3) Fiber type - glass fiber, mineral wool, asbestos.
Generally speaking, the ceiling of lng cryogenic storage tank adopts glass wool, and the tank wall adopts expanded perlite and elastic glass wool, and the bottom of the tank adopts foam glass brick.
2.2 vacuum insulation
1) High vacuum insulation.
High vacuum insulation is to vacuum the insulation space of cryogenic storage tank. It is usually made of copper, aluminum and other materials with low blackness, and the tank surface is polished. The vacuum of the interlayer is maintained by the adsorption of adsorbent at low temperature.

2) High vacuum multilayer insulation.
In order to further reduce the radiation heat flow of high vacuum, a multi-layer radiation screen parallel to the cold surface is set up in the high vacuum space of the storage tank. The radiation screen is made of low surface density material with good reflection performance. The widely used materials are aluminum foil and spray aluminum polyester film.

3) High vacuum multi screen insulation.
High vacuum multi screen insulation is based on high vacuum multi-layer insulation. A conduction screen is installed on the evaporation pipe of the container to recover the cooling capacity of the evaporated gas discharged from the container.

4) Vacuum powder insulation.
Vacuum powder insulation of cryogenic storage tank is to fill the vacuum space with fine powder (or fiber) materials to achieve the purpose of insulation. Commonly used powder materials are silica gel, aerogel, pearlescent sand and so on.

Jianshen tank is a company specializing in the production of low temperature storage tanks, oil tanks, LPG tanks and LPG skid mounted storage and transportation equipment. The company is equipped with professional technicians and factories. If you need to purchase, please contact us
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