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How to extend the life of a liquid nitrogen storage tank

By Manager
Date: Dec 12, 2019
The cryogenic vacuum liquid nitrogen storage tank is a highly vacuum storage device. So how to extend the service life of the liquid nitrogen storage tank during the use of the liquid nitrogen storage tank? Here's how to extend the life of the liquid nitrogen storage tank:
1. Before using a liquid LN2 storage tank, inject a small amount of liquid nitrogen to pre-cool it. When the temperature in the tank reaches the liquid nitrogen temperature, fill the liquid nitrogen until the tank is full. It is necessary to check the neck plug and the small groove of the neck plug at any time, and remove the icing on the neck plug in time. Do not place plastic cloth and other materials on the neck plug to increase the blocking property and ensure the function of the liquid nitrogen storage tank.
2. The liquid LN2 storage tank should be handled gently to prevent collision and squeezing. When moving, do not drag on the ground and lift it up. Always store in a dry, well-ventilated room to prevent moisture.
Because most cooling water contains calcium, magnesium ions and acid carbonates. When cooling water flows over the metal surface, carbonates are formed. In addition, the oxygen dissolved in the cooling water can cause metal corrosion and rust formation. Due to the generation of rust, the heat exchange effect is reduced. In severe cases, cooling water has to be sprayed on the outside of the casing. When the scale is severe, the pipes will be blocked, making the heat exchange effect ineffective.The research data show that scale deposits have a huge impact on the loss of heat transfer. With the increase of sediments, energy costs will increase. Even a thin layer of scale will increase the operating cost of the scaled part of the equipment by more than 40%.
The liquid can be drained when the pressure in the tank reaches the draining requirement. In order to ensure the purity of the storage medium and reduce the loss of medium and liquid during the next filling, the storage tank should generally not be completely drained. The drainage system of the cryogenic liquid nitrogen storage tank can ensure that about 10 liters of liquid remain in the tank. When the maintenance tank needs to be completely emptied, the lower liquid inlet valve and the residual liquid valve can be opened. The valve is drained. After draining, close the residual liquid valve and remove the drain line.
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