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Leak test method of FF double-layer oil tank

By Manager
Date: May 18, 2020
The use of standard FF double-layer oil tanks has become a trend, because double-layer tanks can make up for many deficiencies compared with single-layer oil tanks. Double-layer oil tanks are more environmentally friendly than single-layer oil tanks with anti-seepage tanks The characteristics of better, lower construction difficulty, higher quality and reliability are also more in line with the future construction trend of oil stations. Everyone also knows the function of the FF double-layer oil tank, so in order to prevent leakage during the use of the oil tank, it is recommended that you make good leak test measures for pressure vessels.

Leak test contents of FF double tank:
1. FF double-layer oil tank penetration test: the welding seam of pressure vessel equipment is inspected by kerosene penetration method, the outer surface of the weld seam of the oil tank equipment is coated with chalk powder, FF double-layer oil tank technology, kerosene is brushed inside after drying, after half an hour After inspection, no kerosene leakage spots are qualified.
2. Air tightness test of FF double-layer oil tank: The air tightness test of the equipment causes the pressure to rise slowly. After reaching the specified test pressure, the pressure is maintained for 10 minutes, and then it is lowered to the design pressure. Carry out soapy water on the outside, and check if it is not blown.

3. Leakage test of FF double-layer oil tank: The surface of the oil tank equipment is cleaned and fully dried. After filling with water, it is decided according to the time required for observation and inspection.
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