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It is important to determine the installation point of the cryogenic storage tank detector

By Manager
Date: Apr 09, 2020
Vacuum cryogenic storage tank is a common industrial equipment for storing cryogenic liquid, which plays an important role in many fields of industry, and according to the nature of the type of liquid stored in the tank, the use and maintenance methods are different, the corresponding need to pay attention The security matters also have their own characteristics. The monitoring of cryogenic storage tanks is inseparable from the detector, but how to make the detector play an important role? It is important to locate the installation point accurately. When locating the detector and setting the quantity, you should refer to the following steps:

It is necessary to ascertain the conditions of the cryogenic pressure vessel tanks to be monitored for leakage, and to estimate their leakage pressure, possible leakage volume per unit time, and leakage direction.

According to the prevailing wind direction of the place, the possible circulation phenomenon of air and the upward trend of air flow, and the customary channel of natural air flow, etc., a comprehensive speculation is made on the natural diffusion trend map of combustible gas on the plane when a large amount of leakage occurs.
According to the density of the leaking gas (greater than air or less than air) combined with the rising trend of air flow, it is then integrated into a three-dimensional flow chart of the leaking flow. According to the concept of three-dimensional flow of combustible gas leakage within the monitoring range, an initial set-point plan can be made at the downstream position of its flow.

Investigate whether the point leakage state of the leakage point may be micro-leakage or jet-like leakage. If it is a micro leak, the location of the set point should be close to the leak point, if it is a jet leak, it should be slightly away from the leak point. Based on these conditions, a final site plan was drawn up. In this way, the number and variety of detectors that need to be purchased can be estimated from the final chess grid considered.

In summary, the cryogenic storage tank detector wants to be fully functional, everyone should keep in mind the above content, and hope to help you during installation.
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