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Protective measures for cryogenic liquid oxygen storage tanks in winter

By Manager
Date: Nov 18, 2019
Liquid oxygen storage tanks in winter use a lot of protective measures to do well, because the temperature in winter is relatively low, liquid oxygen storage tanks may be affected by temperature during the operation, resulting in some unstable phenomena. Here are some key points to be paid attention to in the use of LO2 tanks in winter.

In recent days, affected by cold air, the northern part of the country has cooled significantly. The arrival of the cold winter environment, Jianshen company reminds all customers to pay attention to cold and warm. At the same time of our cold and warmth, our LO2 storage tanks also need to pay attention to cold insulation, to prevent the liquid in the tank from freezing in the low temperature environment, affecting the working efficiency and damaging the low temperature liquid oxygen storage tank equipment.

Liquid oxygen storage tanks, especially horizontal liquid oxygen storage tanks, are generally installed for outdoor use due to their large footprint. The arrival of winter, especially for customers with tanks installed in the north or facing the wind, should pay more attention to the liquid supply. The oxygen storage tank is cold-proof and insulated. Liquid oxygen storage tanks can be insulated with asbestos, raw cotton, cotton wool, etc., and then covered with a waterproof plastic sheet and other waterproof materials to prevent cold insulation.
If the pipes and outlets of the liquid oxygen storage tank are frozen, remember that it is not possible to violently beat the tank pipe for ablation. You can use a hair dryer to bake back and forth, or wrap it in a towel and slowly pour it with warm water. Drain the water pipe until it freezes.

In the process of ablation, it is not possible to directly pour water with boiling water, and alternating hot and cold may cause the pipe to burst. In the process of antifreeze and ablation, customers need to choose the antifreeze method and ablation method suitable for their own materials to prevent unpredictable accidents in the antifreeze and ablation process.
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