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Summer lightning protection instructions for double-layer buried oil tanks

By Manager
Date: Apr 17, 2020
As the weather changes, the cold winter has passed, and the weather is about to enter the time of high thunderstorms. This period of time is a severe test for double-layer oil tanks. Improper handling will cause the tank to explode. This can lead to fires with serious consequences. Originally, lightning was not terrible, but when it encountered an oil tank, two individuals would spark out, and it was us who suffered, that may cause casualties and bring property damage. For this reason, we must take precautions in advance. To avoid the consequences of lightning.

1. The oil tank usually uses a lightning rod to prevent lightning, which leads a strong current to the ground, directs the lightning to itself, releases the charge in advance, and prevents the lightning from entering the oil tank area, thereby protecting the double-layer oil tank. To set the lightning rod separately, it can also be welded to the top of the oil tank or the edge of the ring plate.

2. Do not send and receive in thunderstorm weather to avoid the formation of a large amount of flammable and explosive mixtures inside and outside the double-layer oil tank and fire caused by lightning explosion.

3. When installing lightning protection facilities, overhead lines must not enter the tank area to avoid the introduction of lightning waves or the generation of discharge sparks.

4. The pressure vessel needs to be firmly installed when installing the air-termination device or the independent lightning protection grounding facility; the number of down-lead connectors is small; the disconnecting card connector is dense; the lap welding is required; When lightning current passes, electromagnetic induction forms a spark discharge phenomenon.

5. Double-layer oil tank without air-termination, please check whether the tank top accessories and metal have insulated connection.

6. Keep the grounding resistance small in order to safely guide the lightning current to the ground, or limit the high potential of the lightning strike on the grounding device to avoid lightning strikes to the oil tank and counterattacks to other metal objects. Pay attention to limit the stride voltage around the grounding device to avoid personal injury.

7. If the earthing type oil tank is over 0.5m, the lightning protection can be done at the breathing valve. When reinforced concrete oil tanks are equipped with lightning rods, their steel bars can be used as grounding conductors.
8. Regularly check the lightning protection facilities of the double-layer oil tank to ensure that the lightning protection facilities are intact. Prevent the occurrence of lightning sparks in the oil tank gathering place, and the explosion fire that occurs outside the oil tank spreads to the inside.

9. Strengthen the fire safety awareness of staff to avoid fire accidents of pressure vessels.

10. Lightning protection of the sealed metal oil tank: The thickness of the tank wall is ≥ 4mm, and it can be grounded with anti-induction lightning, and the grounding resistance is not greater than 30 ohms.
Lightning protection measures for double-layer oil tanks are particularly important. The best time for the double-layer tank lightning protection system is the tank planning stage; the best time to install the lightning protection system is during the tank construction. The installation location of the double-layer oil tank lightning protection device must be carefully considered, and all parts and areas that can generate discharge must be considered. The lightning rod is best installed directly on the part of the structure that is vulnerable to lightning strikes, and forms a direct path to the ground, rather than trying to direct the discharge current to the part that is not vulnerable to lightning strikes. The height of the lightning rod must exceed the oil tank by a certain height. Avoid fires caused by electric arcs.
For oil tanks belonging to the first category of lightning protection structures, an independent lightning rod should be installed, and its protection range is calculated according to the horizontal distance of 20m and the height of 3m from the open face.  Different lightning protection measures are adopted for different oil tanks. Taking good measures can prevent us from taking precautions and kill any harm in the cradle.
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