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Three safety precautions for double-layer oil tank

By Manager
Date: Apr 09, 2020
Cleaning and safety precautions of oil tank
1. Drain the oil in the double-layer oil tank cleanly, open all the passage holes, allow the oil tank to ventilate naturally, remove the odor, and set up a safety line around the area. Unrelated persons should not enter, and no fire source is allowed to come near.
2. Flush the pressure vessel with precipitated water and steam, and rinse the oil and water in the oil tank repeatedly until it is clean.
3. Fill the oil tank with water, add caustic soda and use steam to clean it once.
4. After the pressure vessel is qualified, use a fan to circulate the air in the tank, and then check the concentration in the oil tank. Only qualified personnel can enter the tank to work.
5. Fire safety, anti-virus, anti-riot and other safety education should be conducted for the staff; in order to ensure the safety of the staff, the personnel entering the tank should wear work clothes, work shoes, work gloves, and gas masks. Also bring a signal rope and a safety belt, and a special person outside the storage tank to supervise. The time for entering the tank should not be too long, generally 10 ~ 20min is appropriate, shift work. There should be medical staff on duty at the scene.
6. The residual oil and sewage used for cleaning the double-layer oil tank should be wiped with a broom or wooden tools and rags. Iron tools and steel tools are strictly prohibited.
Safety preparations before starting a fire
After the oil dirt in the tank is cleaned, it is initially equipped with hot conditions, and the following safety measures need to be taken before construction:
1. Before construction, construction needs to get a mechanical maintenance work ticket, hot work permit, tank entry permit, hot work report, and obtain approval from relevant departments before construction
2. Conduct safety education such as fire prevention, explosion prevention, and anti-virus for the personnel entering the tank, and explain the safety precautions.
3. Before starting the fire, use an explosion detector to test, and conduct an electric furnace test explosion experiment on the oil tank.
4. Check whether the grounding wire is correct before entering the tank.
Construction plan and safety precautions
1. The fire prevention and fire prevention measures at the construction site are complete, and firefighters and medical staff are on-site monitoring.
2. The distance between the oxygen bottle and the acetylene bottle, the welding point and the grounding point shall be used strictly in accordance with the specified distance.
3. The materials, machines and other construction tools in the construction plan shall be compiled by the construction unit, and the technical department and safety department shall be responsible for construction after review and approval.
4. Carefully check the safety channels inside the tank to remove obstacles, keep them unblocked, and be responsible for them.
5. After the solder joints are completed, let the professionals carry out inspections to ensure that no problems will occur later.
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