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Issues that need attention in gas station oil tank well covers

By Manager
Date: Oct 30, 2020
Gas station oil tank manhole covers are widely used in gas station double-layer oil tanks due to their unique properties. Therefore, the performance requirements for gas station oil tank manhole covers are very strict.

(1) Gas station double-layer oil tank well cover itself does not contain resin, otherwise it will affect the oil tank well cover when drilling.

(2) Oil tank well cover hardness requirements. A certain surface hardness prevents burrs on the upper surface of the borehole, but if the well cover is too hard, the drill bit will be worn.
(3) The thickness and tolerance requirements of gas station oil tank well covers. The uneven surface will affect the manhole cover drilling.

(4) The oil tank well cover is required to have a large thermal conductivity, which can quickly take away the heat generated during drilling and reduce the temperature of the drill bit.
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