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Sf double layer oil storage tank cleaning cycle

By Manager
Date: Apr 22, 2020
SF double-layer oil tanks are important equipment for filling oil products in gas stations, and there are many types of oil in gas stations. This makes SF double-layer oil tank manufacturers have some differences in production. And the cleaning cycle of different types of sf double-layer tanks are different. Next, the sf double-layer oil tank manufacturers will introduce to you.

Oil products are divided into three cases: light oil, lubricating oil, and heavy diesel oil, so the cleaning cycle of pressure vessels containing these different oil products is different. The cleaning cycle of light oil and lubricating oil is relatively long, and it only needs to be cleaned once every three years, while heavy diesel oil needs to be cleaned every two and a half years. And when cleaning the sf double-layer oil tank, pay attention to protect the oil well, not to be contaminated.
Regular cleaning of the oil tank can not only effectively increase the service life of the sf double-layer oil tank, but also guarantee the quality of the oil. If the inner wall of the pressure vessel is no longer clean, it will inevitably pollute the oil, so the sf double Layered tanks are still necessary.

The above is the difference in the cycle of cleaning different types of pressure vessels, I hope it can help everyone. Then after each cleaning of the SF double-layer oil tank, the corresponding records and test data need to be made, so that it is more convenient to judge the time when the oil tank should be cleaned next time, so as not to cause the SF double-layer oil tank to appear because of the long cleaning cycle. Corrosion, oil deterioration, etc.
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