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Advantages of low temperature pump

By Manager
Date: Dec 26, 2016
(1) the cryogenic pump has an advantage over other products in obtaining clean and oil free vacuum. It can be used as a standard to study the degree of vacuum pollution by other vacuum pumps.

(2) the low-temperature pump has a higher pumping speed in removing water steam and other moist mixed gases;

(3) low-temperature pump also has high pumping speed in extracting light-weight molecules;

(4) among the vacuum equipment requiring high pumping speed, the cryogenic pump is the most economical. Commercial cryogenic pumps can provide large pumping speeds in very small bore sizes

(5) the cryogenic pump works on the basis of cryogenic adsorption. It does not need other electronic materials and will not fluctuate.

(6) no moving parts in the vacuum, high stability, and no sealing problems;

(7) the installation of cryogenic pump is not required in any direction;

(8) low temperature pump can also selectively extract certain gas.
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