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5 cubic liquefied petroleum gas skid installation station

5 cubic liquefied petroleum gas skid installation station The 5 cubic LPG skid loading station is an integrated device that assembles liquefied gas storage tanks, pumps, motors, pipelines, valves a...
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5 cubic liquefied petroleum gas skid installation station

The 5 cubic LPG skid loading station is an integrated device that assembles liquefied gas storage tanks, pumps, motors, pipelines, valves and filling equipment into one, and can directly fill the cylinders with liquefied petroleum gas like a large LPG filling station, or It is to fill the LPG tanker with gas.

Main parameters of LPG skid loading station:
Filling medium: liquefied petroleum gas (propane)
Design temperature: -20~50℃
Design pressure: 1.77 MPa
Flow: According to user requirements to choose
Power requirements: 220V or 380V


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