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A deeper dive into the cryogenic bulk tank(1)

A deeper dive into the cryogenic bulk tank 1. Tank Design & Structure: Double-Walled Construction: These tanks are built with two layers: Inner Vessel: Made from stainless steel or nickel all...
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A deeper dive into the cryogenic bulk tank

1. Tank Design & Structure:

  • Double-Walled Construction: These tanks are built with two layers:
    • Inner Vessel: Made from stainless steel or nickel alloys to handle extremely low temperatures. This inner tank holds the cryogenic liquid.
    • Outer Jacket: The outer layer is usually made from carbon steel and is designed to provide structural support.
    • Vacuum Insulation: Between the two layers, there is a vacuum space. This vacuum serves as an insulator, minimizing heat transfer and keeping the contents cold.
    • Sometimes, multi-layer insulation (MLI), made of reflective foil and glass wool, is added to further reduce heat ingress.

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