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Advantages of LPG skids

High degree of integration, Flexibility, Short construction period.

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High degree of integration: Liquefaction skid mounted equipment installs valves, pumps, and other equipment in an integrated collection, eliminating the need to install valves, instruments, and other equipment in the middle when connecting to other equipment on the system, thus greatly simplifying the on-site workload.
Flexibility: Liquefaction skid-mounted equipment can be relocated as a whole, with high equipment reuse rate, which is suitable for different gas fields. This flexibility allows the equipment to be relocated to other gas fields after completing the operation of a certain block of gas fields, thus realizing the repeated utilization of the equipment.
Short construction period: Due to its compact design and easy installation, the construction period of a liquefaction skid-mounted plant is much shorter than that of a traditional stationary natural gas liquefaction plant, which not only improves the efficiency of scale production, but also reduces the production cost.


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