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Application of liquid oxygen tanks in greenhouse cultivation

Liquid oxygen tanks can be used to store and regulate the concentration of oxygen in the greenhouse, thereby affecting the respiration and photosynthesis of plants.

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Liquid oxygen tanks can be used to store and regulate the concentration of oxygen in the greenhouse, thereby affecting the respiration and photosynthesis of plants. In greenhouse cultivation, ensuring the right oxygen level is essential for plant growth, because plants consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide during respiration at night, and absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis during the day. By precisely controlling the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the greenhouse, the growth rate and health of plants can be optimized.

In order to ensure the safe use of liquid oxygen tanks in greenhouses, a series of measures should be taken. First, liquid oxygen tanks should be placed in a safe place away from fire sources, heat sources and combustibles, such as near air separation units. At the same time, explosion-proof electrical appliances should be installed around the tanks, and open flames or electric sparks are strictly prohibited. Secondly, regularly check the insulation performance of the tanks to ensure the vacuum degree of the interlayer and the fullness of insulation materials such as pearl sand. If necessary, the vacuum degree of the interlayer should be increased by vacuuming. In addition, the acetylene content in the liquid oxygen should be analyzed regularly, and when it exceeds the standard, the liquid oxygen should be emptied in time for replacement treatment.


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