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Can LPG and LNG be mixed?

Cannot be mixed LPG and LNG cannot be mixed. The main components and properties of LPG and LNG are different, so they cannot be mixed in the same storage tank. ‌ The main components of LPG (liquefi...
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Cannot be mixed
LPG and LNG cannot be mixed. The main components and properties of LPG and LNG are different, so they cannot be mixed in the same storage tank. ‌

The main components of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) are propane and butane, usually accompanied by small amounts of propylene and butylene. It is a colorless, volatile gas that is mainly used in city gas, automobile fuel and other fields. The main component of LNG (liquefied natural gas) is methane, which is colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. It is mainly used as fuel for power plants, factories and household users. Since the main ingredients and properties of the two are different, they cannot be mixed. ‌

In addition, there are significant differences between LPG and LNG in terms of storage, transportation and use. LNG needs to be stored at extremely low temperatures, while LPG can be stored at room temperature. Differences in the physical and chemical properties of these two gases prevent them from being mixed in the same tank. ‌


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