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Classification of cryogenic storage tanks

Cryogenic storage tanks are mainly classified according to the type of storage medium, storage temperature range, manufacturing materials, capacity and placement location.

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Cryogenic storage tanks are mainly classified according to the type of storage medium, storage temperature range, manufacturing materials, capacity and placement location.


Classification by storage medium type:

Liquid nitrogen storage tank: a tank specially used to store liquid nitrogen, designed to withstand extremely low temperatures.

Liquid oxygen storage tank: used to store liquid oxygen, the structure and material must be able to prevent corrosion and maintain the stability of liquid oxygen.

Liquid hydrogen storage tank: used to store liquid hydrogen, good insulation performance and sufficient safety measures are required because liquid hydrogen is extremely volatile and flammable.

Classification by storage temperature range:

Deep cold storage tank: a material with extremely low storage temperature, such as liquid hydrogen and liquid nitrogen, is usually designed to be below -160℃.

Ordinary cryogenic storage tank: used to store substances such as LNG, and its design temperature is generally around -162℃.

Classification by manufacturing material:

Stainless steel storage tank: with stainless steel as the main component, it can resist low temperature and corrosion, and is usually used to store liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen.

Aluminum alloy storage tank: Aluminum alloy has good mechanical properties and low cost at low temperatures, suitable for some medium low temperature applications.

Carbon steel storage tank: The cost is relatively low, but additional anti-corrosion treatment is required, suitable for less extreme low temperature environments.


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