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Corrosion prevention measures for underground diesel tanks

Corrosion prevention measures for underground diesel tanks primarily include coating corrosion protection, cathodic protection, fiberglass reinforcement, and high-temperature corrosion resistance. 

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Corrosion prevention measures for underground diesel tanks primarily include coating corrosion protection, cathodic protection, fiberglass reinforcement, and high-temperature corrosion resistance.

Coating Corrosion Protection

Material Selection: Common coating materials include epoxy, polyethylene, and fiberglass, which have good corrosion resistance and adhesion.
Construction Requirements: Ensure that the coating construction follows the manufacturer’s process requirements, with uniform application, no missed spots, and no bubbles or other defects.
Application Areas: Coating corrosion protection is suitable for both the inner and outer walls of the tank, especially the bottom and wall areas of the inner tank, which are in direct contact with corrosive media


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