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Gas phase pressure in lng storage tank

Refilling procedure.   (1) After filling the lng storage tank, when filling it again, the gas phase pressure in the tank should be reduced as much as possible;   (2) Fill the top and bott...
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Refilling procedure.


(1) After filling the lng storage tank, when filling it again, the gas phase pressure in the tank should be reduced as much as possible;


(2) Fill the top and bottom at the same time. When the liquid level gauge shows about 50% full, the lower liquid inlet valve should be closed. When the filling reaches 85%, the upper liquid inlet valve should be closed and the filling should be stopped for 3 minutes to allow the tank to fill. then open the upper liquid inlet valve and continue filling until liquid is discharged from the overflow valve, close the overflow valve to stop filling, and at the same time close the upper liquid inlet valve;


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