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How to properly handle a Dewar flask leak?

When a Dewar flask leak occurs, emergency treatment entails halting the experiment right away, moving everyone to a secure location, donning PPE, assessing the leakage situation and implementing the necessary control measures

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When a Dewar flask leak occurs, emergency treatment entails halting the experiment right away, moving everyone to a secure location, donning PPE, assessing the leakage situation and implementing the necessary control measures, such as using a filter cotton cough basket or differential pressure mask for protection, and using pressurized filters and fans to stop the diffusion of aerosols. The leak location must be promptly cleaned up and disposed of in compliance with hazardous waste treatment laws. Following the incident, an accident report and any necessary cleaning and maintenance work must be completed. Professional professionals should be sought right away for treatment of significant leaks that are uncontrollable.


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