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Industrial gas LPG storage tank

Liquefied gas storage tanks are three types of low-pressure pressure vessels. The storage tank itself has strict quality appraisal on the material of pressure components, internal devices, welding ...
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Liquefied gas storage tanks are three types of low-pressure pressure vessels. The storage tank itself has strict quality appraisal on the material of pressure components, internal devices, welding seam quality, appearance size, operation quality, installation quality and safety accessories. The mechanical properties and chemical composition of the tank material should be carried out, and 100% of the storage tank should be inspected by X-ray non-destructive testing and magnetic particle inspection. The inspection locations are welded joints, LPG tank shell welds, and tank ellipsoidal head welds. Testing and testing of various technical indicators related to safe operation of products such as pressure resistance and sealing.

We adopt submerged-arc welding, it is one of the most efficient mechanized welding methods available today. stable welding quality, high welding productivity, there is no arc and smoke dust and so on, so that our products with high qulaity.


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