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Installation of LPG Skid Gas Station

The skid loading station must be arranged in a safe location. The fire separation distance between it and roads, buildings, transmission lines outside the station shall meet the specifications. The...
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The skid loading station must be arranged in a safe location. The fire separation distance between it and roads, buildings, transmission lines outside the station shall meet the specifications. The fire-fighting equipment in the skid-mounted station should meet the requirements of the user’s local management department, and the specific device should be purchased by the user. Avoid damaging the anti-corrosion coating of the equipment during installation and construction.  Storage tanks and piping systems shall be tested for air tightness with compressed air or nitrogen, and the pressures shall be the design pressures of storage tanks and piping systems, respectively. Before filling with LPG, replace the system with nitrogen or vacuum to exhaust the air in the system.


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