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Liquid argon storage tanks

Liquid argon is an industrial gas with many special effects. Argon is 1.4 times heavier than air and can form a stable layer of airflow above the molten pool, which has good protective properties. In addition in the welding process, the smoke generated less, easy to control the welding pool and arc.

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Liquid argon is an industrial gas with many special effects. Argon is 1.4 times heavier than air and can form a stable layer of airflow above the molten pool, which has good protective properties. In addition in the welding process, the smoke generated less, easy to control the welding pool and arc. The layer has good protective properties. In addition less fumes are produced during the welding process, making it easier to control the welding pool and the arc. Argon is an inert gas, at room temperature and other substances are not chemically reactive, at high temperatures are not dissolved in liquid metal, so in the welding of non-ferrous metals can show its superiority Argon is a single atomic gas, at high temperatures, argon gas directly dissociated into positive ions and electrons, so the energy loss is low, the arc burning stable. At the same time the decomposed positive ions are larger in volume and mass and have a strong impact on the cathode, which has a strong cathodic breaking effect. Therefore the operator must be specially trained and strictly follow the operating procedures. Prevent gas leakage into the workplace air. Handle lightly to prevent breakage of the cylinder and accessories.


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