LNG Leakage Safety Management

With regard to the types of accidents such as fire and explosion, stratification tumbling and rapid phase change of LNG leakage, we analyze the causes of the accidents and put forward safety precautions, such as measures to prevent leakage, the establishment of pressure control systems, and precautionary measures to deal with external risks.

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With regard to the types of accidents such as fire and explosion, stratification tumbling and rapid phase change of LNG leakage, we analyze the causes of the accidents and put forward safety precautions, such as measures to prevent leakage, the establishment of pressure control systems, and precautionary measures to deal with external risks.
International standards and codes, such as the Code for Fire Protection in Oil and Gas Engineering Design GB50183-2004, as well as relevant standards in other countries and regions, such as NFPA 59A and 49CFR Part 193, are referred to in order to develop and implement safety management and fire protection measures for LNG storage tanks.


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