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LNG Storage Tank Materials

LNG storage tanks are an important part of LNG production plants for storing liquefied natural gas (LNG) for transportation, and also one of the important destinations for LNG carriers.

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LNG storage tanks are an important part of LNG production plants for storing liquefied natural gas (LNG) for transportation, and also one of the important destinations for LNG carriers.The construction of LNG storage tanks is an important project in the construction of receiving terminals for storing LNG received and discharged from LNG carriers.In order to enhance the thermal insulation effect, LNG storage tanks are generally made of various materials such as insulation, thermal insulation, and cold-retaining materials, and so on. Composite structure. These tanks need to have reliable resistance to low-temperature and deep-cooling, especially the storage equipment should at least meet the requirements of resistance to low temperatures below -162℃.


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