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LNG storage tank structure design

The structure of LNG storage tanks is typically double-layered, with carbon steel or another material used for the outside layer and stainless steel for the interior layer.

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The structure of LNG storage tanks is typically double-layered, with carbon steel or another material used for the outside layer and stainless steel for the interior layer. By putting insulating materials between the inner and outer shells, this structure not only adds another layer of protection but also increases thermal efficiency.
To lessen heat transfer and stop moisture condensation, the area between the double-layer structure is often cleared and filled with dry nitrogen, which lowers the chance of corrosion.
The structural reaction of the LNG full-containment tank exhibits a periodic attenuation trend when subjected to explosion stresses. The link between the tank dome and the outer wall is the primary impact site of the explosion, and the impact on the circumferential


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