LNG storage tanks nondestructive testing
The quality inspection of LNG tanks is a comprehensive and rigorous process involving multiple aspects to ensure its safety and reliability
The quality inspection of LNG storage tanks is a comprehensive and rigorous process involving multiple aspects to ensure their safety and reliability.
The quality inspection of LNG tanks is a comprehensive and rigorous process involving multiple aspects to ensure its safety and reliability
Nondestructive testing
Radio testing: This is a commonly used internal defect detection method that can effectively detect defects such as pores, slag inclusions, and incomplete penetration inside the weld. In the inspection of LNG tanks, radiographic testing is indispensable for some important welds, such as the connection welds between the bottom plate and the wall plate of the inner tank. The weld is irradiated by an X-ray machine or a gamma ray machine, and then the test results are recorded to analyze the situation inside the weld.
Penetrant testing: It is mainly used to detect open defects on the surface of the weld, such as cracks. During the inspection, a special penetrant is applied to the surface of the weld, then wiped off, and then a developer is applied. If there are defects such as cracks, the penetrant will penetrate into the cracks and react with the developer to form visible traces, so that the location and size of the defects can be accurately detected.
Vacuum leak test: Through the rapid flow of air or vacuum pump to form negative pressure, the weld of the tested component is exposed to the ambient atmospheric pressure, causing bubbles to form at the leaking position, thereby detecting the leak point.