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LPG gas filling plant residual liquid emptying and treatment

Residual liquid emptying and treatment: The design adopts the positive pressure method of residual liquid emptying. The design adopts the residual liquid emptying process of positive pressure metho...
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Residual liquid emptying and treatment: The design adopts the positive pressure method of residual liquid emptying.
The design adopts the residual liquid emptying process of positive pressure method, that is, after the residual liquid emptying nozzle and the cylinder angle valve are connected, the compressor draws gas from the tank and pressurizes the cylinder.
When the pressure inside the bottle is higher than the pressure of the residual liquid tank, the compressor will be pressurized by pumping gas from the tank to the cylinder.
0.1~0.2MPa, switch the valve on the emptying line and turn over the emptying rack.
The residual liquid in the cylinder will be poured into the residual liquid tank. Storage and distribution stations without compressors can also
Nitrogen or gaseous liquefied gas in the storage tank can be used to pump the residue.
The residual liquid recovered in the residual tank can be transported out by hydrocarbon pump or compressor in a tanker.

Vacuuming of new cylinders: New cylinders and cylinders after overhaul should be vacuumed before filling.
Before filling, the air inside the cylinder should be pumped out. In order to ensure safety, the gas
The oxygen content of the cylinder space should not be greater than 4%. The vacuum level of the cylinder should be 83.0kPa



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