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LPG skid-filling and filling stations

The LPG skid-filling and filling stations manufactured by our company are specially designed with a leak alarm system. In case of gas leakage from the skid, an alarm can be issued in time to avoid safety accidents caused by gas leakage.

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The LPG skid-filling and filling stations manufactured by our company are specially designed with a leak alarm system. In case of gas leakage from the skid, an alarm can be issued in time to avoid safety accidents caused by gas leakage. The product is fitted with a leak concentration sensing alarm probe. When the alarm sounds, it means that there is a gas leak in the corresponding area and the leak point should be found quickly to avoid a safety accident. The alarm will only be lifted when the fault is removed and the mains power supply is cut off. When the concentration is higher than the set value (20%), the alarm probe will continue to sound. Special attention should be paid to the fact that when the skid-mounted station is first powered up, there will be an alarm sound for about 30 seconds from the leak concentration sensing alarm probe.


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