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LPG skid-mounted

Our company has made a series of improvements in the design of LPG skid-mounted vehicle filling stations, in which the two LPG pumps carried are different.

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Our company has made a series of improvements in the design of LPG skid-mounted vehicle filling stations, in which the two LPG pumps carried are different. A vane pump is used for unloading and a twin screw pump for filling. Vane pump: when the pump outlet pressure exceeds the rated pressure, the built-in safety valve opens automatically to prevent accidents, and the pump runs smoothly with little noise. Twin-screw pump: pumps the LPG from the tank and delivers it to the filling machine. Low noise level, stable delivery, mixed gas-liquid transmission possible. Special attention should be paid to the fact that LPG pumps are strictly forbidden to run without liquid and to run in reverse.


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