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LPG storage tank valve

Both storage tank and pipeline safety valves adopt full-opening spring safety valves, generally with a constant pressure of 1.6MPa, and the safety valves are calibrated at least once a year to ensu...
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Both storage tank and pipeline safety valves adopt full-opening spring safety valves, generally with a constant pressure of 1.6MPa, and the safety valves are calibrated at least once a year to ensure accuracy and sensitivity.


At the joints of pipeline valves and flanges, metal connection jumpers (pieces) should be provided to discharge the static charge generated by the flow into the ground in time. For surface corrosion, the surface of the storage tank should be kept clean, and the dust, ash and other dirt scattered on the surface of the storage tank should be cleaned frequently, and the storage tank and the surrounding environment should be kept dry. At the same time, attention should be paid to the anti-corrosion of the support.


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