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Multi-faceted inspection of cryogenic storage tanks

Cryogenic storage tank inspection, divided into external inspection, internal inspection and multi-surface inspection. The cycle inspection of cryogenic storage tanks needs to be determined according to the technical conditions of use of storage tanks.

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Cryogenic storage tank inspection, divided into external inspection, internal inspection and multi-surface inspection. The cycle inspection of cryogenic storage tanks needs to be determined according to the technical conditions of use of storage tanks.
1、No-damage inspection of the main weld or shell, and the sampling length is 20% of the total length of the weld;
2、After passing the internal and external inspection, carry out hydraulic test according to 1.25 times of the design pressure of the storage tank and gas-tightness test according to the design pressure of the storage tank. In the above inspection process, the tank and the various parts of the welds without leakage, as well as no visible abnormal deformation of the tank is qualified.


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