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Nigerian Merchant Import Process 2

5. ADB reviews/validates the Form M and sends it to NCS Nigeria Customs Service. 6. NCS Nigeria Customs Service accepts the Form M or rejects it if the form is not completed correctly or if certain...
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5. ADB reviews/validates the Form M and sends it to NCS Nigeria Customs Service.
6. NCS Nigeria Customs Service accepts the Form M or rejects it if the form is not completed correctly or if certain information and/or documents are missing.
7. When the NCS accepts the Form M, the importer forwards a copy of the Form M to his exporter, who will contact the international accredited company Cotecna with the Form M, the final invoice, the bill of lading and the packing list for the issuance of the SONCAP certificate.
8. The importer activates the SONCAP certificate and applies for the issuance of PAAR on the Nigerian Single Trade Window. The PAAR is issued and the importer commences customs clearance of his shipment.


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