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Periodic inspection of LPG storage tanks

Periodic inspection of storage tanks is divided into external inspection, internal and external inspection and comprehensive inspection. The inspection cycle should be determined as appropriate bas...
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Periodic inspection of storage tanks is divided into external inspection, internal and external inspection and comprehensive inspection. The inspection cycle should be determined as appropriate based on the technical status and usage conditions of the equipment, but external inspection should be at least once a year, internal and external inspection at least once every 3 years, and comprehensive inspection at least once every 6 years. If the storage tank has been used for 15 years, internal and external inspections should be conducted every two years; if the storage tank has been used for 20 years, internal and external inspections should be conducted at least once a year. For storage tanks that have undergone regular inspections, the inspection personnel will submit an inspection report indicating whether the storage tank can continue to be used or whether special monitoring and other measures need to be taken. The inspection report should be kept in the technical file of the storage tank.



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