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Precautions for LPG when making vehicle fuel

When considering a vehicle that uses LPG for fuel, it is important to consider the vehicle’s load capacity: the large weight of the LPG dispenser and associated equipment may have some impact on the vehicle’s load capacity. This may be a consideration for some vehicles that need to carry large amounts of cargo or heavy equipment.

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When considering a vehicle that uses LPG for fuel, it is important to consider the vehicle’s load capacity: the large weight of the LPG dispenser and associated equipment may have some impact on the vehicle’s load capacity. This may be a consideration for some vehicles that need to carry large amounts of cargo or heavy equipment.
In addition to this, it is also important to note that LPG refuelling times can be slightly longer than traditional refuelling. This is due to the fact that LPG refuelling needs to be transported through a pipeline and the process of converting the liquefied gas takes place within the refuelling station. It is therefore recommended that large LPG stations under construction use high power compressors to reduce unloading as well as cylinder filling and vehicle filling times.


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