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Shipment of liquid oxygen tanks for transportation

Whether during transportation, operation or storage, liquid oxygen tanks must be kept upright and effectively isolated.

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When the liquid oxygen tank is being shipped, flipped, and put in place, due to its high center of gravity and large eccentricity, it is easy to cause the liquid oxygen tank to roll. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt an operation method to effectively move and rationally shelve the liquid oxygen tank. Reasonable and effective stabilization measures can be used to prevent the liquid oxygen tank and accessories from being damaged due to lifting operations. In particular, the evaporator at the bottom of the liquid oxygen tank needs more attention. During the transportation of the liquid oxygen tank, it is generally filled with nitrogen for protection, and a deflation operation is required before installing the pipeline. put
The pipe mouth must be sealed immediately after gassing to prevent other moist gases from entering the liquid oxygen tank.

The liquid oxygen tank is a high-strength liquid stainless steel bottle. It is composed of an inner container and an outer container. There is an insulated vacuum sandwich between the inner and outer containers. Any compression, falling, overturning, etc. will affect the insulating performance of the liquid oxygen tank. Therefore, care must be taken during transportation to never place the container upside down and to avoid collisions. Whether during transportation, operation or storage, liquid oxygen tanks must be kept upright and effectively isolated.


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