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Structure and function

Structure and function of Dewar

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outer cylinder: protects the inner cylinder, forms a vacuum interlayer with the inner cylinder, prevents external heat from invading, and reduces the vaporization of the internal cryogenic liquid.

Inner cylinder: used to store cryogenic liquid.
Vaporizer: converts the liquid gas in the bottle into gaseous state through heat exchange with the inner wall of the outer cylinder.
Liquid valve: controls the filling or discharge of liquid.
Safety valve: automatically relieves pressure when the pressure exceeds the standard to ensure safety.
Discharge valve: reduces the pressure in the bottle, quickly and smoothly fills the liquid or manually exhausts when the pressure exceeds the limit.
Pressure gauge: indicates the pressure in the inner cylinder.
Boosting valve: establishes the driving internal pressure to make the cryogenic liquid flow.
Use valve: controls the opening and gas flow rate of the liquid vaporization circuit and the pipeline passage at the gas inlet end.
Liquid level meter: intuitively displays the liquid level height in the container for easy observation and maintenance.


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