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The importance of LNG storage tank cold preservation

The importance of LNG storage tank cold preservation Maintain a low temperature environment: LNG needs to be stored at low temperatures to maintain its liquid state. If the temperature in the tank ...
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The importance of LNG storage tank cold preservation

Maintain a low temperature environment: LNG needs to be stored at low temperatures to maintain its liquid state. If the temperature in the tank is too high, LNG will vaporize rapidly, causing the pressure in the tank to increase, and may even cause danger.

Prevent leakage and volatilization: LNG is a flammable and explosive substance, or it may cause fire or explosion and other dangerous situations due to leakage or volatilization. Therefore, cold preservation measures can prevent LNG leakage and volatilization and reduce safety risks.

It can be seen that maintaining a low temperature environment in the tank is the key to ensuring the safe storage of LNG.

Extend the service life of the tank: Cold preservation measures can reduce corrosion and aging of the inner wall of the tank and extend the service life of the tank. This is of great significance for ensuring the safe storage and long-term supply of LNG.


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