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The role of double-wall design in LNG storage tanks

The double-wall design of LNG storage tanks is useful for improving safety in a number of ways.

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The double-wall design of LNG storage tanks is useful for improving safety in a number of ways. First of all, according to the requirements of API, BS and other codes, the double-wall structure can use the concept of sealing, in the event of leakage of the first layer of tanks, the second layer of tanks can completely seal the leakage of liquids and evaporated gas, thus ensuring the safety of storage. This design not only increases the safety of the tank, but also improves its thermal insulation performance. The insulating structure between the inner and outer tanks, i.e. the cold-retaining layer, helps to minimize the transfer of heat from the outside to the inside of the tank, which further ensures the safety of LNG storage.


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