Home » LPG Tank » The safe distance of liquefied gas storage tanks, the price of liquefied gas storage tanks, the manufacture of 20 cubic liquefied gas storage tanks

The safe distance of liquefied gas storage tanks, the price of liquefied gas storage tanks, the manufacture of 20 cubic liquefied gas storage tanks

Pipeline prefabrication (1), Pipeline prefabrication   Piping prefabrication should be carried out according to the one-line diagram of the piping system.   The pipeline prefabricati...
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  1. Pipeline prefabrication (1), Pipeline prefabrication


  1. Piping prefabrication should be carried out according to the one-line diagram of the piping system.


  1. The pipeline prefabrication shall select the pipeline components according to the quantity, specification and material specified in the one-line diagram, and indicate the pipeline system number and the sequence number of each component according to the prefabrication sequence according to the one-line diagram.


  1. The selection of free pipe section and closed pipe section should be reasonable, and the closed pipe section should be processed according to the installation length measured on site.


  1. The allowable deviation of the machining dimensions of the free pipe section and the closed pipe section shall comply with the provisions in the table below.

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