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Update of ASME Design Code

Tank plate strain reinforcement 1925 for the first time promulgated ASME Ⅷ-1 for conventional design standards, applicable pressure less than or equal to 20MPa; it is based on elastic failure desig...
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Tank plate strain reinforcement 1925 for the first time promulgated ASME Ⅷ-1 for conventional design standards, applicable pressure less than or equal to 20MPa; it is based on elastic failure design guidelines, based on experience to determine the allowable stress of the material, and the size of the components to make some specific provisions. ASME VIII-1 does not cover fatigue design, but does cover the design of vessels that enter the range of high temperature creep under static load.

ASME VIII-2 is an analytical design standard, first issued in 1968, which requires detailed analysis of stresses in various areas of the pressure vessel, and stress classification according to the degree of stress on the vessel failure hazard, and then limited according to different safety guidelines.

Compared with ASME VIII-1, ASME VIII-2 is more detailed in its structural provisions, with higher requirements for materials, design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance, allowing for higher allowable stresses and a thinner wall thickness for the designed vessel. The current ASME VIII-2 is a failure mode based standard that includes fatigue design, but the design temperature is limited to creep temperature. To address the analytical design of high temperature pressure vessels, a Code Case N-47 was added after 1974. Treatment process.

ASME VIII – 3, which was first issued in 1997, is mainly applicable to high pressure vessels with design pressure not less than 70MPa. It requires not only detailed stress analysis and classification assessment of vessel components, but also fatigue analysis or fracture mechanics assessment. It is a pressure vessel code with the highest requirements so far.


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