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Uses of LPG storage tanks

LPG storage tanks are usually installed next to heating, gas or welding equipment in order to flexibly deliver the fuel to where it is needed. In order to ensure the service life and performance of...
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LPG storage tanks are usually installed next to heating, gas or welding equipment in order to flexibly deliver the fuel to where it is needed. In order to ensure the service life and performance of the storage tank, regular inspection and maintenance are required, and attention should be paid to keeping the tank clean and anti-corrosion. With the characteristics of easy use, convenient operation and safe storage, it has become a widely used fuel storage device. Its applications in industrial fields include boilers, water heaters, power stations, machining, chemical industry, etc. In the domestic field, LPG storage tanks are used for fuel storage in ovens, water heaters, stoves and stoves, etc. While LPG storage tanks have many advantages, there are certain risks associated with their use. As it stores flammable and explosive liquefied gases, all necessary safety measures must be taken. This includes inspection and maintenance of piping, pressure reducing valves and safety valves to ensure they are functioning properly at working pressure. The storage capacity must be marked on the tank, and the specified capacity must be prevented from being exceeded during storage.


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