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Working Principle of Liquid Oxygen Tanks

Liquid oxygen tanks convert oxygen into liquid by cooling it below its liquefaction point (about -183°C). A vacuum insulation layer is provided inside the tank to reduce the evaporation loss of liquid oxygen. Liquid oxygen is converted into gaseous oxygen for use when needed through an evaporator.

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Liquid oxygen tanks are used to store and transport liquid oxygen and are usually made of high-strength steel or aluminum. Its basic structure includes a tank body, insulation layer, and internal devices.

Working Principle: Liquid oxygen tanks convert oxygen into liquid by cooling it below its liquefaction point (about -183°C). A vacuum insulation layer is provided inside the tank to reduce the evaporation loss of liquid oxygen. Liquid oxygen is converted into gaseous oxygen for use when needed through an evaporator.

Application Areas:

Medical: Provides breathing oxygen in hospitals and home care.

Industrial: Used for oxygen supply in welding, cutting, etc.

Aerospace: Provides oxygen for rocket engines.


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